
21. Nicora, F. (accepted-in preparation). Prosody and language learning: a study on Irish English learners of Italian. [working title]. Studi AISV. Officinaventuno SAS, Milano, Italy.
Open E-Books
20. Nicora, F; O'Callaghan A. (2024) Interactive guide to Aegisub software. Electronic Book. University of Galway, Ireland.
19. Nicora, F., Bologna, O. (2025 in press). MISTRAL: an interactive guide for learning languages online. Pressbook, Hardiman Library, University of Galway, Ireland.
18. Nicora, F., Bologna, O. (2025 in press). MARIN: an interactive guide for teaching languages online. Pressbook, Hardiman Library, University of Galway, Ireland.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
17. Nicora, F., Naito, Y. & Meluzzi, C. (submitted). Variability of the MOUTH diphthong in three Irish English varieties (East Donegal, Galway and West Cork).​​
16. Gili Fivela, B., Avesani, C., & Nicora, F. (submitted). Variation and contact in Italian intonation across the La Spezia-Rimini line. In Celata Chiara (Ed.) Speech Variation in Contemporary Italian [Special Issue]. Languages.
15. Nicora, F. (2024). Combining prosodic-pragmatic training and free commentary to develop intonation skills in Italian FL: the case of information seeking polar questions. In Frumuselu Anca, & Sánchez-Requena Alicia (Eds.) Audiovisual Translation as A Didactic Tool to Enhance Foreign Language Speaking Skills. [Special Issue]. Journal of Audiovisual Translation (JAT Journal). Vol.7 (1), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.47476/jat.v7i1.2024.307​​
14. Nicora, F. (2022b). Moving online: Zoom and audiovisual translation tasks to teach foreign languages to children.​ In Adams Heather Mary, & Díaz-Cintas Jorge (Eds.) Audiovisual Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom [Special Issue], Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, Vol.28 (2): 80-100. https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/article/view/1466/1493 DOI : 10.20420/rlfe.2022.553
13. Nicora, F., Bologna, O., & McLoughlin, L. (2022). Open educational resources for online language teacher training: conceptual framework and practical implementation. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (IJIte), Vol.11 (3): 1-18. https://aircconline.com/ijite/V11N3/11322ijite01.pdf DOI :10.5121/ijite.2022.11301
12. Nicora, F. (2022a). The corpus of Irish English speech (IES). TEANGA, the Journal of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 29, 133-168. https://journal.iraal.ie/index.php/teanga/article/view/2676. https://doi.org/10.35903/teanga.v29i.2676.
11. Beltramello, A. & Nicora, F. (2021). Captioning and revoicing activities to learn Italian as a foreign language: A didactic proposal for children. The Journal of Language and Teaching Technology, Rutgers University Press, Department of Italian, issue III, 1-23. https://italian.rutgers.edu/docman-lister/pdf-documents/256-beltramello-nicora-captioning-and-revoicing-activities-to-learn-italian/file
10. Dianetti, M. & Nicora F. (2021). Didattica performativa nella promozione della lingua e cultura italiana in Irlanda. Il corpo e la danza come strumenti di apprendimento e ponti tra culture. Italiano LinguaDue, 13(2): 665-680.
9. Nicora, F. (2021). Sottotitolaggio e apprendimento del vocabolario aziendale in italiano lingua straniera: uno studio esplorativo. Italiano a Stranieri, N.29: 22-27.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters​​
8. Nicora, F. (2025). Unlocking the potential of audiovisual translation in young audiences' language education. In Borodo MichaÅ‚ and Díaz-Cintas Jorge (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Young Audiences. Routledge.
7. Nicora, F., & Lertola, J. (2024). First insights into keyword subtitling and free commentary tasks to enhance children's second language vocabulary acquisition. In Plaza-Lara Cristina, del Mar Ogea-Pozo María, and Botella-Tejera Carla (Eds.), Empirical Studies in Didactic Audiovisual Translation. Routledge.
6. Nicora, F., Bologna, O., McLoughlin, L. (2022). Higher Education and new trends in the digitalized labour market: broaden language students’ horizons. In E. Domínguez Romero, J. Bobkina, C. Herrero, S. Stefanova Radoulska, & I. Vanderschelden (Eds.). Visual Literacy and Digital Communication: The Role Of Media in New Educational Practices. Editorial Comares, Granada, Spain. 79-100. DOI: https//doi.org/10.58859/rael.v21i1.518
5. Nicora, F., McLoughlin L., Gili Fivela, B. (2019). La resistenza dei tratti intonativi nell’acquisizione dell’italiano da parte di parlanti anglo celti. In Nuzzo E., & Vedder I. (a cura di), Studi AItLA 9. Lingua in Contesto. La prospettiva pragmatica. Officinaventuno, Milano: 65-87. ISBN edizione digitale: 978-88-97657-30-9.
4. Gili Fivela, B. & Nicora, F. (2018). Intonation in Liguria and Tuscany: checking for similarities across a traditional isogloss boundary. In Vietti, A., Spreafico, L., Mereu, D., & Galatà , V. (Eds.) Studi AISV 4: Il Parlato nel Contesto Naturale. Speech in the Natural Context, Methods for the Analysis of Speech Under Real Communicative Conditions. Officinaventuno, Milano: 131-156.
Peer-Reviewed Proceedings Papers
3. Meluzzi, C., Nicora F., Sbacco, L. (2022). Learning Italian dental affricates: A first survey on the production of Irish English speakers. In J. Levis, & A. Guskaroska (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, 18-19 June 2021, virtually at Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. https://doi.org/10.13274/psllt.13343
2. Nicora F., Cenceschi S., Meluzzi C. (2020). A phonetic comparison of two Irish English varieties. The 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 12-14 October 2020, Athens, Greece. pp.143-146
1. Nicora F., McLoughlin L., Gili Fivela B. (2018). Impact of prosodic training on Italian as L2 by Hiberno-English speakers: the case of polar questions. The 9th International Conference in Speech Prosody, Adam Mickiewicz University, 13-16 June 2018, Poznan, Poland. pp.970-974.
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